How to Process Oilcakes to Feed Pellets

Oil cakes pelletizing process is similar to grain crops feed pellets production. The major steps include oil cakes crushing, mixing, pelletizing and cooling, packing. Based on your special requirement and budget,  flat die feed pellet mill and ring die feed pellet mill are both available. The high temperature during feed pelletizing process can kill some toxic substances and make oil cake pellets assured and nutritional feed.

oilcakes pelletizing machines for making feed pellet from oilcakes

Turn Oilcakes to Valuable Feed? Worth Your Investment

As animal feed needs sound nutrition, oil cakes are the perfect supplement to diversify feed sources and offer more balanced food formula.
–Oilseeds after pressed from oil extracting machine still preserve a certain oil ration and can be processed for animal feed additives because of the content of oil, fat protein, and microelements that body needs.
–Oil cakes are cheap and easy to get from local vegetable oil plants, mills; thus your raising cost can be lowered about 25-35%.
–Mixed with other grain food, form scientific animal feed in favor of high yield and healthy animal products.

Oilcake Introduction

Oil cakes, also known as oil meal, refer to the residue of oilseeds whose greater part-vegetable oil is extracted or expelled. The pressed oil cake has a wide application such as for animal feed, crop and plant fertilizer and food additives. Oil cakes are rich in fat and protein: Fats and carbohydrates are the main sources of energy, while proteins and minerals are for tissue building and replenishment; thus oil cake pellets are ideal feed for animal growth.

Oilcake Main Ingredients

Oil cakes Crude protein Crude fiber Nitrogen
Copra 21% 10% 49%
Palm kernels 19% 13% 49%
Sunflower seeds with hull 24% 34% 22%
Groundnuts with hull 32% 24% 23%
Groundnuts without hull 46% 5% 30%
Rapeseed 35% 10% 31%
Cottonseed with hull 23% 22% 34%
Cottonseed without hull 39% 12% 28%
Sesame seed 40% 7% 25%
Soya with hull 42% 6% 31%

Common Oilcakes Analysis

☞Groundnut oil cake

groundnut cakes and feed pellet made from them

Groundnut oil cakes after expelled from oil press machine contains about 45% protein which is a good source of Vitamin B12 and calcium. It is the best protein supplement together with soybean for cattle and livestock in extensive feeding.

☞Sunflower oil cake

sunflower seed oil cake meal and feed pellets

Sunflower oil cakes are suitable to feed cattle ration up to 20% level but not recommended for calves. It contains about 40% protein and high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can be fed cows in large amount.

☞Soybean oil cake


Soybean oil cakes can be fed all livestock up to 30% level with castor husk or Mahua oil cakes as an adulterant. It contains 44% proteins with all required amino acids except cysteine and methionine. The heating treatment is necessary for soybean oil cakes pelletizing process.

☞Coconut oil cakes

Coconut oil cakes contain 20-26% crude protein and 2.5-6.5% oil content and should be fed in low content. It is restricted to poultry and swine due to the low protein content, while it can feed monogastric animals with lysine and methionine supplements.

☞Sesame oil cake

Sesame oil cake is produced from the residues of sesame oil seeds after pressed. The colors can be red, black and white; white cakes are of high nutritive value than red ones. It contains 40% protein and high phytic acid, can feed cattle in the ration to 15%.

☞Rice bran oil cakes

Rice bran refers to the outer coarse coat of rice grain and it contains 12-14% of protein, 11-18% unsaturated fatty acids; suitable for livestock feeding.